Autopano Pro 1.4.0

The Autopano Pro interface software has been designed to be user-friendly. And the environment is specifically suited to panorama photo-editing – the main functions are highlighted, whereas less frequent ones are in the background. Numerous automation applications allow you to switch from fully-automatic to fully-manual mode. Each stage can be preset to exactly meet your requirements, which means that you can define your workflow to match your own working methods perfectly. No time is lost in working out how to use the software or in actually using it!

Autopano Pro Performance

1. Easy to use
The Autopano Pro interface software has been designed to be user-friendly. And the environment is specifically suited to panorama photo-editing – the main functions are highlighted, whereas less frequent ones are in the background.
Numerous automation applications allow you to switch from fully-automatic to fully-manual mode. Each stage can be preset to exactly meet your requirements, which means that you can define your workflow to match your own working methods perfectly.
No time is lost in working out how to use the software or in actually using it!

2. Power and speed
Autopano Pro's panorama detection and stitching speed is unrivalled. Gone are the days when you had to spend hours waiting for results – a ten-image panorama only takes a few seconds to be fully analyzed. But it doesn't stop there – Autopano Pro can be used to create gigapixel panoramic photos where each panorama contains up to several thousand pictures.

3. HDR stitching
Autopano Pro is already set for the next revolution, HDR or high dynamic range photography. This technology includes all the techniques that ensure that no detail is ever lost even in high or low light conditions.
Back-light, full sun, etc. are no longer a problem.

4. Manual picture stitching for difficult jobs
With Autopano Pro, you can also work manually. Our photo-control point editor is the most advanced in the world, and is simple to use and effective. This editor has been used to resolve extremely complex cases.


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